"The International Baccalaureate aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect. To this end the organization works with schools, governments and international organizations to develop challenging programmes of international education and rigorous assessment. These programmes encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right."

Friday, June 10, 2016

Have a great summer!


I had a great year with your child!
Each one is very special to my heart!
Enjoy your summer!

*you might only be able to watch the movie in a computer. :)

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Happy Thursday!

Wow! It is coming to the end! What a great year!
Today we did some clean up in the class, everyone did a great job helping.
We also had gym, morning circle time and snacks.
Next we went on a nature scavenger hunt. The weather was beautiful!
Then we had French, lunch and recess.
In the afternoon we completed our journals and organized our cubbies.
Students are taking home their shoes as we will not need them anymore. Please send their backpacks and lunch bags tomorrow as I have 2 big envelops to send home.
Tomorrow we are having a regular morning in the class and in the afternoon we will have house games, spelling bee medals, awards and the house cup!
Have a great evening everyone! :)

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Busy, busy, busy...

I guess the word for this week is busy!  :)
We are getting ready with the final preparations for the end of school year!
Students yesterday had gym in the morning, snacks and morning circle time. Then we practiced for the graduation, just so students know where to go and what to do on stage.
Next they had French, lunch and recess.
After recess we completed one more page of the report card and had language centers. I was very happy to see students writing the spelling bee words in their centers yesterday! Way to go JKs!
After 2nd lunch and recess we read stories and played games.
Have a great day! I hope to see everyone at Graduation @9am.

Monday, June 6, 2016

Happy Monday!

We had a great day together!
In the morning students had gym outside, then snacks and morning circle time.
We also completed a page for the report card. You will receive your child's report card, reading and math graphs and term 3 work on Friday.
In the afternoon we completed our journals and wrote in the agendas. We also completed a numeracy activity.
After second recess students had music with Mrs. Kerr.
Please note that Graduation is this Wednesday at 9am, students are not required to wear uniform. Feel free to dress up! :)
After graduation we will have a regular school day. On Friday, we will have a full day (dismissal is at 3:45pm - as usual) and students are encouraged to wear their house colors.
Have a great evening!

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Heigh Ho!!!!!

The afternoon performance was the cutest of all!
I hope to see everyone here this evening!
Today was a bit different: in the morning students read books in the gym while I was putting their art pieces on the wall. Next, they had French class, lunch and recess.
In the afternoon we read stories, watched short clips and colored.
Then we had our Arts performance and snacks right after.
Have a great evening everyone!

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Instructions for Arts Night/Day

Good morning JK parents!

I can’t believe it is June already!

Here are some final instructions for Arts Day/Night:

-          JKs are asked to wear comfortable clothes tomorrow (they don’t need to wear regular uniform, shirt and shorts will work just fine)

-          If you didn’t bring a small shovel yet, please send it with your child tomorrow

-          Families and friends are invited to come to either performances (1pm or 7pm)

-          There will be display of art pieces from all classes in the gym, come early to take a look, I suggest around 6:20pm (*IB portfolio will also be available for you to see)

-          Students are asked to be dropped off in our class at 6:40pm

 *Each student has an IB portfolio. The portfolios are to remain at school until the student leaves SJA. Each year the homeroom teacher will add a collection of work in collaboration with the student. Parents may look through the portfolios during Arts Night  but please don’t take them home.
Please, contact me if you have any questions!

Have a great day!